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The meeting was held with representatives of the European Association of Jehovah's Witnesses at the State Committee

On December 13, deputy chairman of the State Committee on Religious Associations, Seyavush Heydarov met with the chairman of the European Association of Jehovah's Witnesses Tony Brace and the representative of the organization Mariyano Makiyas Guzman.
The Deputy Chairman of the Committee informed the guests about the exemplary tolerant and multicultural environment in our country and said that despite the fact is the majority of the population of Azerbaijan is Muslim, they have always been chosen for their humanistic attitude towards members of other religions.
He noted that no religion calls for the confrontation of people and said that the main duty of the state is to work towards preserving harmony and unity among members of the Islamic religion, and also creating similar conditions for other religions.
He said that only in this case it would be possible to maintain the stability and balance in the world and to make the system of human values perfect.
Deputy Chairman of the State Committee Sayavush Heydarov noted that Azerbaijan is a traditional Islamic country, but also a secular state and all citizens, regardless of their religious or national origin, are equal under the law.
The existing legislative base in Azerbaijan also fully protects the rights of citizens in this area. He said that the necessary conditions for the free functioning of religious communities in the country have been created in the country, as well as their financial and moral support.
Sayavush Heydarov noted that all those religious communities in the country which their activities are not harmful for current interfaith relations were provided available conditions and tolerant approachment is demonstrated for members of religious confessions.
Chairman of the European Association of Jehovah's Witnesses Tony Brace expressed his satisfaction with his return visit to our country and expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome and hospitality. Brace also expressed his satisfaction with the conditions created in recent years in our country to ensure the normal activities of members of the religious community of Jehovah's Witnesses, the performance of special rituals and the celebration of religious holidays.