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17.11.2022 / News

President Ilham Aliyev: “Armenians did the same what was done by ISIS and Al-Qaeda with respect to historical and religious heritage”

“I had a phone call from Secretary of State Blinken and once again we talked about that. We have full understanding that there must be two tracks. And they should not be mixed up. But statements from Armenia are very controversial. They say they recognize our territorial integrity and sovereignty. Not only say but they signed under that in Prague and in Sochi. That means sovereign people of all our territory. We all understand what sovereignty means. At the same time, they want to incorporate issues related to Armenian minority in Azerbaijan into our peace agreement. It will not work. It is not possible. And we will not agree on that". President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has said as he received a delegation, which includes officials of the European Union and a number of Eastern Partnership member states, led by Special Envoy of the European Union for the Eastern Partnership Dirk Schuebel on November 17.

The head of state has emphasized that therefore, we need to have a very clear position from Armenian government about their agenda. And I told recently, if they want peace we want peace, if they do not want peace, well, it is their choice. We did not have peace for 30 years, what was the end of the story Armenia should not forget: “Therefore, again, we need to judge their actions by steps not by words, because their words sometimes contradict what they do or what they plan. I do not know whether you got a direct answer from Armenian leadership about that. I doubt, because they want to keep this ambiguity which is not helpful. And, also the country which wants peace should refrain from very dangerous rhetoric, which Armenian officials afforded recently, comparing Azerbaijan to ISIS and Al-Qaeda, I think is a very dangerous rhetoric. First, because they acted as ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Ambassadors of EU visited the liberated territories, Armenians did the same what was done by ISIS and Al-Qaeda with respect to historical and religious heritage. It was not us, it was them. So they committed acts of terror, they committed genocide, they destroyed our mosques, not us”.