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21.06.2024 / News

The staff of the State Committee on Affairs with Religious Associations visited the Alley of Honor

June 21 marks the 23rd anniversary of the establishment of the State Committee on Affairs with Religious Associations. On this occasion, the Committee, the Foundation for Propagation of Moral Values and the management and employees of the Azerbaijan Institute of Theology visited the grave of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev in the Alley of Honor and laid a wreath in front of it. The memory of prominent ophthalmologist-scientist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva was commemorated with respect, bouquets of flowers were laid in front of her grave.
It should be noted that the State Committee on Affairs with Religious Associations was established by Decree No. 512 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated June 21, 2001. The main activity of the committee is related to the creation of suitable conditions for the implementation of religious freedom in accordance with Article 48 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The duties of the State Committee include ensuring freedom of religion, forming a unified state policy in the field of freedom of religion, implementing this policy, ensuring the regulation and development of state-religion relations, conducting educational work in the field of religion, carrying out state registration of religious institutions, own powers includes the regulation of issues related to religious education, other directions defined by legislation.