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995 religious associations have passed state registration since reregistration process initiated (01.09.2009). From the confessional point of view, 956 of them are Islamic and 37 are non-Islamic (Christian - 26; Jewish - 8; Krishna - 1; Baha'i - 2).
Across the country, number of registered religious educational institutions (colleges) is 5.
Across the country, number of mosques is 2,253.
Number of churches is 16 churches, synagogues is 7.
Totally 748 scared places (Pir) and pilgrimages have been identified in the country.
Number of historical and religious sites identified in our liberated territories, 67 are mosques, 139 are temples and 192 are pilgrimages. Of the 67 mosques in the liberated territories (13 in Shusha, 5 in Aghdam, 16 in Fuzuli, 12 in Zangilan, 5 in Jabrayil, 8 in Gubadli, 8 in Lachin), 65 completely destroyed and 2 partially destroyed.