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About the committee

- To establish favorable condition for the implementation of religious freedom;

- To control observance of the legislative acts on religious freedom; 

- To conduct the state registration and registry maintenance of religious associations, publish information on results of registration on the mass media and promote the organizational activities of the associations in line with the legislation;

- To provide religious associations with necessary assistance upon their request on reaching an agreement with state bodies and on the solution of the issues by government bodies where it is needed;

- To help strengthen tolerance, mutual understanding and respect among religious associations of different faiths; prevent religious radicalism, extremism, confrontation, discrimination and other illicit religious actions;

- To establish information bank by obtaining it from the religious institutions, centers and other similar organizations;

- To help religious associations to be involved in cooperation with foreign and international religious associations, centers as well as international forums and movements;

- To conduct expertise of religious literature; (Printed or on electronic devices), audio, video materials, religious items and other similar resources;

- To coordinate and control works of the executive bodies in regard with religion, provide assistance for arranging organizational activities of the commissions on religious affairs established under executive powers of regions and cities;

- To submit a report on religious situation of the country to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan two times in a year;

- To appeal court for termination of religious organizations if there are evidences observed by law;

- To act as a supervisory authority for the prevention of the legalization of criminally obtained funds or other properties, financing of terrorism under the terms and cases observed by law;

- To deal with relative administrative offences observed by legislation;

- To give permission to the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan for studying in religious educational institutions abroad;

- To control production, sale and distribution of religious literature (printed or on electronic devices), audio, video materials and other religious items and materials; to give permission to the production, sale and distribution of religious literature (printed or on electronic devices), audio, video materials, other religious items and materials as well as the establishment of the Specialized Selling Points for the religious materials and items;

- To give reference for the restoration and construction ofplaces of worship;

- To take part on behalf of the state in the solution of controversial issues arose from the activities of the religious organizations;

- To give reference for the state certification and training quality of the religious educational institutions; to examine programs and approve curriculum together with the Ministry of Education Republic of Azerbaijan;

- To inspect Specialized Selling Points of religious literature (printed or on electronic devices), audio, video materials, other religious materials and items with verification mark; take lawful measures (to cancel license)against Specialized Selling Points in case of violation of law practices;

- To take measures for the prosecution of religious associations against their illegal behaviors (terminate their religious activities and appeal to relevant state bodies), raise a question before relevant state bodiesabout worship places and shrines established by individuals that have no historical and traditional grounds;

- To send and/or keep records on unlawful actions of religiousassociations, on a religious propaganda conducted by foreigners and persons without citizenship, unlawful interference to the exercise of the religious ceremonies,violate the rights of citizensunder the fulfillment of religious exercises to the law-enforcement agencies;

- To inform the relevant state bodies in case of detecting wrongdoing in the activity of religious educational institutions;

- To participate in the preparation of educational programs and manuals based on the studying of subjects on history, philosophy of religion and fundamental principles of the holy religious books to all non-religious educational institutions;

- To give reference on applications about the establishment of publications of religious literatures;

- To participate in the attestation process of Islamic clerics;

- To raise issue before the religious centers or offices on appointing religious clerics, including new elected to the worship;

- To give reference on state registration of non-profit legal entities advocating activities on promulgation of religious values on their charter;

- To give reference on people who held Islamic religious ceremonies and rituals;

- To give reference on the establishment of cemeteries;

- To ensure efficient use of the budgetary resources, grants, credits, and other monetary sources allocated for the religious sphere;

- To take part in the arrangement of pilgrimages abroad and seeking of intergovernmental agreements on the related matters;

- To expand awareness rising activities on religion, co-organize events on preventing religious confrontations with mass media and other relevant agencies in this regard;

- To controlthe activities of courses on learning Holy Books and suspendactivity of the courses contradicting with Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Freedom of Religious Belief “ and inform relevant religious centers on concerned matters;

- To ensure open access resources on its activities, create a website, post information that can be disclosed by legislation, update of the website on a regular base.

- To take steps for training of experts and organizing development programs for them in the field of religion;

- To examine applications, complaints regarding the activities of the State Committee and take measures in accordance with legislation;

- To take measures within its authority for development of the existing structure and activity of the State Committee within its authority;

- To implement other duties in line with its authority determined by the legislation;